Bk's Summer Adventures

Hello everyone, or Selam Selam in Ethiopian! Now is the moment when I tell you about some of the fascinating and enjoyable activities I've been doing. Thus far this summer has been filled with unique adventures, personal development, and tons of fun. Allow me to share a few of my trips with you.

One of my favorite things about this summer has been teaching my uncle how to swim. It's been incredible to watch him go from hesitant splashes to confident strokes. Starting with the basics, we focused on the importance of floating and basic kicking techniques. My uncle's joy on his face at being able to float in the water by himself by the end of last week made all of my lessons worthwhile. You see, it's not just my uncle who is picking up new skills. I now make running a part of my summer routine. It feels so good to run on the sidewalks just before sunset or first thing in the morning while listening to my Afro-beats soundtracks. Whether I go for a quick jog around the neighborhood or a lengthy run through gorgeous trails, it has been a terrific way for me to keep in shape and unwind. I've even started setting new objectives and keeping track of my progress with my Apple Watch.

This summer, I decided to finally get my driver's license. I'm not sure why I'm starting so late, to be completely honest. I never really felt the rush to drive before I moved  to the states because I had a driver previously. But since my time in college is drawing to an end, I have to learn how to drive myself to a lot of places, like the gym, employment, dinner dates :), and many more. Everything looked so close after I relocated to my small college town that I didn't think a driver's license was necessary.

Since I've started learning, everything has been exciting—from my first time behind the wheel to maneuvering through congested streets. I'm getting more at ease with every class because of my brother, sister, and elder cousin, my instructors, who have tremendous patience. I'm working on getting smooth lane changes and I've grown really adept at parallel parking. I'm about to take off, so take caution!

This is all I have for today!



  1. Sounds like your summer has bn great so far! As someone who loves running, I always recommend it, so it was exiting to see you took it up. Maybe you could find a local 5k to race by the end of the summer. Hope you enjoy the rest of your trips!


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