Summer Highs and Lows

 Selam lehulachin (peace be upon you in Ethiopian), fellow enthusiasts of summer! ☼ Allow me to give you a quick overview of my summer adventures while I balance summer classes, a new internship, and some family time!

First off, I recently started working as a Sales Manager at Green Start Tech and I'm loving it. I'm getting ready to submit my first proposal for a federal contract; it's an exciting process. Cross those fingers for success! While I'm conquering the corporate world, I'm also tackling summer classes like a pro. Who said learning can't be fun, right? haha I'm just kidding, it's actually a bit hard I must admit. Taking an Anatomy and Physiology class online is hard, and learning how to manage my time between classes and work has been very crucial this past week. Let's now discuss nerves! I'm a little nervous because I have my driver's license exam in a little while. But hey, I think got this! all those driving hours weren't for nothing. I just hope i don't fumble on the parallel parking part of the exam. I've been going to the tennis courts and giving swimming lessons to my uncle ( lesson of the day learn how to swim when you're a kid!  because man can it get rough out here.) in between work and school. It's a wonderful method to stay occupied and strengthen bonds with family. In reference to family, did I already say that I'm from a large Ethiopian family? This Saturday is my cousins baby shower, and let's just say it's going to be quite the occasion! Make a joke about how family get-togethers require a stadium. ours actually does! 

Of course, the story of the soccer team never ends! I was hurt during the last game, but I'm ready for this Saturday's game because of an incredible missed tackle that struck my ankle. Remember to steer clear of ankle-crushing tackles from now on! Oh, and did I mention I ran my fastest 5k yet!;). Haha bad pic, but in my defense it was 80+ degrees and I just finished. 

Here you have it, a quick overview of my summer: work, studies, family, sports, and a healthy dose of nerves. It's a balancing act, but isn't that part of the excitement of summertime adventures? Let's create memories and savor each second of this colorful season!

Not a lot, but that's all I have for today.

Biruk Gebru


  1. I've enjoyed following along with your summer adventures and activities! I also have enjoyed seeing photos from your summer too! I hope your uncle's swim lessons continue to go well and that you get great family time with your cousin's baby shower coming up. Enjoy the last week of class!

  2. Wow, what an incredible journey you're on! From thriving as a Sales Manager at Green Start Tech and tackling federal contracts to juggling Anatomy and Physiology classes, you're truly mastering the art of balancing work and education. Good luck with your driver's license exam – you've got this, especially with all those driving hours under your belt. Your dedication to family, whether through tennis, swimming lessons, or preparing for your cousin's baby shower, is heartwarming. And let's not forget your impressive 5k run and recovery from that soccer injury – stay strong and keep crushing those goals! P.S. – sounds like your family get-togethers really do need a stadium!


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